In her book titled Night Visions, Jan Richardson writes:

You hollow us out, God,
so that we may carry you,
and you endlessly fill us
only to be emptied again.

Make smooth our inward spaces
and sturdy,
that we may hold you
with less resistance
and bear you
with deeper grace.

As I reflect on this message, I am reminded of our Franciscan call to be mothers to our God by bringing God’s presence to our world every day.

In the Five Feasts of the Child Jesus, St. Bonaventure reminds us:

Let us consider how the blessed Son of God, already conceived spiritually, is born spiritually in people. He is born when we put into practice our resolution to lead a more perfect life. In other words, we give birth to Christ when we begin to practice the virtues which we know are from God.

How can we ~ and do we ~ bring our God to the world? Like Mary, we need to be open to this call. We each need to embrace the invitation to be a mother to our God!

As I watch mothers interact with their children (and remember my own mom), I realize what a gift and a challenge this role can be. Motherhood is more than a fulltime responsibility! One is called to be present and attentive to the needs of the children/family while at the same time recognizing and being attentive to her own needs. Motherhood is a gift and a grace-filled experience.

How are you called to be “hollowed out and filled up” during this Advent season?

How will you embrace anew the call to be a mother to our God and echo Mary’s yes?

May each day find you more aware of the gift of new life within and around you.

Mary Beth Gianoli, OSF
Vice President, Mission Integration
