The name of Jesus that very much speaks to my heart is: Jesus is my Companion. It's very personal. When I look at it, there are three main ways to think about it: company, compassion, and courage. I'm going to elaborate on just the first way for this reflection. Company is closely related to Companion, and, while it may be implied, I want to specify that I mean good company. This good company brings about joy in the presence of Jesus and being in His presence may be a prayer that reflects everything that I do every day in the sense of joining together.

I grew up in a very traditional family. My dad died during the pandemic, but he served as a catechist for almost 70 years. And I grew up in a presbytery almost all of my life, followed by time in seminary. I was very connected with the priests throughout this time, and I soon came to a pivotal moment: joining the Salesians. There was a priest - a Belgian missionary - named Fr. John Lens. When I was aspiring to begin my seminary life, he just came and hugged me and said: "My son, welcome." I will never forget that moment in my life. The culture around the priesthood in India at the time was one of extreme reverence. I was frightened to approach the priests. So, to have Fr. John approach me like that was really quite different and so memorable. It changed my whole perspective on what it means to be a priest and what it means to be like Jesus. Today, as a priest, we speak of the notion of alter Christus - to be "another Christ" - and that notion in light of my interaction with Fr. John brought about powerful change in my life in two main ways. Growing up with Don Bosco Salesians, these ways are articulated as presence and joy. Enjoying the company of each other was at the height of what it meant to be a Salesian. I did not have a sense of that when I was around other priests: there was a reverence that stifled the connectedness. I also saw my relationship with Jesus change. Before my interactions with the Salesians, I used to pray out of fear. But now I have more of a genuine connection, a joyful connection - being in the presence of Jesus - and I am able to enjoy my prayer. I can just sit there, even doing nothing, and have a chat. It is a rejoining together - sharing everything.

Who is a companion? Who shares everything? Who accompanies? Who assists? Who knows everything through and through? For me, this title of Jesus is particularly meaningful. I always see Jesus as being very close to me. I don't think anybody ever understood me better than Jesus. We are companions on the journey. It was only Jesus who I could find in the loneliest moments of my life, particularly during the pandemic when interaction was so limited. Jesus's presence in my life has subsequently transformed my approach to the priesthood. Jesus was there and continues to be there for me: I want to be there for others and point them to the greatest Companion, Jesus.

Fr. Kishore Nagothu
Brooklyn Oratory
