Advent is a time of expectation. It is a time for us to join Mary and Joseph awaiting the birth of Jesus. Advent is a time of preparation. Are we tidying up the stable of our hearts to create the best welcoming place we can? Advent is a time for quiet. Step back from the hustle and bustle of the approaching Christmas and really thing about the true meaning of his holiday. Are we caught up in the “have-to?” Maybe we could replace that mind set with the “should do,” Advent is a time of gratitude. Instead of focusing on what we want, need or would like, why not be grateful for the many blessings we have? God has already given us the greatest gift of all - His own Son. We offer thanks with prayer and acts of kindness.

Sometime after Thanksgiving, we decorate the tree. We set up the manger but without baby Jesus. On Christmas morning, we carry Him and place the long awaited Jesus in the manger. After Christmas, we put everything away, including Jesus, until next year.

Last Advent, a retreat master suggested that we leave the baby out all year. What a wonderful, concrete reminder that Jesus is always with us! All of the Advent practices - doing extra acts of kindness, sacrificing for someone less fortunate, paying special attention to the downtrodden - why are these Advent only occurrences? If Jesus is with us all year long, why are we not aware of this and adopt this behavior all year long?

Jesus’ birth changed the world. What about us? That small baby’s presence in our homes can be a reminder that we too, in our own small way, can change the world.

Mary Ann Kellen
St. Helen Secular Franciscan Fraternity
Howard Beach, NY
