Tuesday of Holy Week

Today's Readings

This is a very challenging time for higher education in general and St. Francis College in particular. With the unexpected restructuring which occurred in March, people have expressed feelings of loss and uncertainty.

Prior to becoming a Franciscan Brother of Brooklyn, I worked for 29 years in the big pharmaceutical industry. During my time there I witnessed several restructurings, surviving them all until being downsized in May 2006. Therefore, I can empathize with how my former colleagues and those who remain feel amidst the uncertainty of what the future will hold.

For me, the downsizing turned out to be critical to give me that final push God was trying to give me to become a Franciscan Brother. Now a Brother for over 17 years, I can easily see the goodness of God’s plan.

In 1206, when St. Francis was a young adult, he was faced with much uncertainty. In an attempt to gain direction, he prostrated himself in front of the San Damiano Cross. The Cross spoke to Francis, challenging him to, “Rebuild my Church, which you see is in need of repair.” By listening carefully during this period of Ramadan, Passover and Easter, you and I can discern the path God is encouraging each of us to follow.

To assist us, I offer the following Prayer of St. Francis for Discernment:

        Most High, glorious God
        enlighten the darkness of my heart.
        Give me true faith,
        certain hope,
        and perfect charity,
        sense and knowledge, Lord,
        that I may carry out
        your holy and true command.

Brother Gregory Cellini, O.S.F.
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn
Director, Office of Mission, Ministry and Interfaith Dialogue


  1. Thank you, Greg. God's plan is often confusing and hard to discern, but ultimately, if embraced, can lead to abundant blessings amidst the rubble

  2. Inspiring. Jim mccormack 63

  3. Dear Bro. Greg. Thank you for your thoughts, that we who love St. Francis College all needed at this trying times. Let us pray to St. Francis to help the college, its students, faculty, staff, future students considering SFC and the alumni at this time.


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