Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Today's Readings

"Safe" | Victory Worship

I found my fortress in You
And my soul is anchored with You
My resting place is in Your name
Forever safe

In our fast-paced, ever-changing world, it is essential to slow down and breathe. At times, we cannot help but get caught up in our own bubbles and lives. Whenever I need a moment to pause, reflect, and slow down, I turn to this song. "Safe" by Victory worship is one of my go-to songs for extra strength, upliftment, and encouragement.

To give you a little backstory, the song was first introduced to me by a high school friend. During breaks, she would listen to this song and sing along with it. Hearing its melody and powerful message made me drawn to it. From then on, I would use Safe to meditate, worship, and unwind. Ever since it has been something ingrained in me. It also rekindled my passion for singing and made me miss being a part of a school choir.

This lovely music reminds us that God is our refuge and fortress. He is our ultimate resting place. Let us all remember that God is always with us, showering mercy, love, guidance, and protection to everyone. We are not alone; God is with us.

Mia Gabrielle A. Garcia
Lit. Team Member of the Terrier Journal
B.A. in Communication Arts, Concentration: Digital Media, Minor in Political Science
St. Francis College, Class of 2026
