Good Friday

Today's Readings

Editor's Note: This excerpt is taken from The Way of the Cross, a version of the Stations of the Cross which includes narration and dramatized firsthand accounts of various characters within the events of Jesus' passion. The selection below is from the perspective of St. Peter. Each station ends with a verse of the classic African American spiritual, "Were You There?"



LEADER: We adore You, O Lord Jesus Christ, and we praise You.

ALL: Because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.

NARRATOR: While Peter was in the courtyard, someone approached him and accused him of being a disciple of Jesus. On three occasions, Peter denied having

anything to do with Jesus. Afterwards, he remembered the warning that Jesus gave to him earlier in the night.

JESUS: Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.

NARRATOR: Peter broke down and wept.

PETER: No words can tell you how dirty and how sorry I feel now. I, Peter, the so-called rock, crumbled when my Master needed me the most.

I heard the slapping of the whip and the groans of pain echoing throughout the courtyard. I found myself thinking back to the first day I saw Him enter the river, Jordan, He always was surrounded by loving and hopeful people.

I know He must have been thinking that any minute now I would lead our little group of men into that torture chamber and free Him. Well, I couldn't. Maybe He had more faith in me then I had in Him. I’m telling you I was hoping that His father would give one more sign. Maybe then I would have acted…

Who am I kidding? I was terrified, frightened, afraid of losing my own life. When that servant identified me as a follower of Jesus I cursed not only her but the names of my Master as well. At that moment I made Him suffer the cruelest of all pains, the pain which only a friend can inflict. I made Him suffer and face this horrible ordeal alone, abandoned by the man who He had so much faith in. I gave into the pressures and fears.

When He needed me to speak up, I remained silent. I promise you now I will never act this way again. I know this world is badly in need of the peace that only my Master would be able to give.

Join me in this new mission…bring the word of Jesus to all those we meet. Can I count on you?

I know you are saying, “Listen to him now; where was he when Jesus needed him?” I can never make up for my past transgressions, but I believe that my Savior would want me to carry on in His footsteps. I have learned the hard way. When we do nothing, we are saying over and over again, “I do not know the man.”

LEADER: Let us pray…

ALL: Jesus, out of fear, Peter denied You, but in the end, was moved to repentance. Do not abandon us when we deny You out of human frailty, but bless us with tears of repentance for our sins. Amen.

"Were You There?" | Performed by Cantus
