Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent

Today's Readings

The Lenten readings today proclaim the importance of observing the law. Today, therefore, is a good day to reflect on how we respond to rules, especially the rules that lead to holistic good in our world, the rules of Gospel living, of God.

Moses says to the people that they must observe rules and statutes so “that you may live, and may enter in and take possession of the land.” Jesus says; “Until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law.” We are being told quite clearly the rules are foundational and we cannot fully live without them.

I think of that classic building toy: Legos. Without following rules about their properties, a box of Legos is a collection of plastic bricks which hurt when stepped upon. With rules—either from the instructions provided or discovering from lived experience how they hold together—the more we understand and use the inherent logic in Lego building, the more amazing creations we can make.

Of course, there is more than logic when it comes to the world. How do we build a world that affirms Goodness and life? We live in a highly materialistic age with a technological reach beyond our capacity to understand. Without Love and Good as the foundation of our choices, we see technology dehumanize our world; we see desire for material goods and wealth ignore the fact that we are creating a world unfit for life.

It is critical for our world’s survival, and for our soul’s own good, to ask, not only am I obeying laws of logic and physics, but am I living within the moral law? Does what I do and how I do it aim for Good? Is it a path with heart?

It is only through a heart-centered path that we can truly live and take full possession of technology or any of the gifts we have been given. We have been graced with guidance through the written Word and through Christ, who was and is God’s Love among us. We have been shown a better way. Let’s take time today to ask of our life—is this a path with heart? 

Mary Beth Wisniewski
Cardinal Stritch University
