Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent

Today's Readings

The man went and told the Jews that Jesus was the one who had made him well.
Therefore, the Jews began to persecute Jesus because he did this on a sabbath.

John 5:15-16

On this Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent, there is much going on in today’s Gospel. First, there is a feast occurring – usually a time of celebration. Jesus is not celebrating but, instead, doing what he does so well – healing others.

Rather than affirm Jesus, the Jews chastise him for healing on a sabbath. The eyes in their heads and – more importantly – the eyes of their hearts are closed to anything but a strict letter of the law.

Lent is a time of conversion. In simplest terms, conversion is seeing the same person or situation differently - not with one’s eyes of the head, but with the eyes of the heart.

St. Francis experienced his most significant moment of conversion when he kissed the leper. Prior to this encounter, Francis despised lepers, traveling miles out of his way to avoid them. The opening of his heart to this leper transformed his life and the world.

The anniversary of my most significant moment of conversion - May 25, 2005 – is rapidly approaching. It was on this date literally prostrate in front of the tabernacle I said to God, “I’ve screwed my life up enough – you take it over.” Since that night, I have experienced Franciscan joy I never could have imagined.

We are invited during Lent to be very intentional about viewing things differently with our hearts. As we continue our journey toward Calvary, let’s do our best to keep our hearts open so on Easter we can experience all the joy for which Christ died for us.

Brother Gregory Cellini, O.S.F.
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn
Director, Office of Mission, Ministry and Interfaith Dialogue
