Friday after Ash Wednesday

Today's Readings

Ash Wednesday starts the 40 days of lent, during this time we fast and grow spiritually closer to God. The reading from Isaiah 58:1-9, discusses how God is not only noticing if you're fasting during lent. God is looking at your heart’s intentions and your acts. He acknowledges that fasting is a sacrifice, and it causes affliction. However, a person who is fasting but abusing the poor or laborers are not considered to be fasting in an acceptable manner to God. God wants us to fast in a manner that includes us to be virtuous. He wishes us to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and cloth the naked. You don’t have to personally feed the hungry, or welcome the homeless into your home, or find someone who is completely cloth less to clothe them. You can donate clothes to those in need, help the homeless find a place to stay, and you can help individuals who are hungry to find a soup kitchen or buy them a meal. This is what God finds acceptable, when we fast in a matter that does not include us turning out back to others.

During this lent season let's remember that Lent is more than fasting. Lent consists of growing spiritually closer to God. Let's do what God wants of us and avoid doing our own things and our own wants. Do not go through the season of Lent putting on a superficial view of fasting for others to see. Take this time to fast when no one is watching and have the desire and care to help those in need.

Nallely Garcia, SFC '24
