Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today's Readings

I thought it quite serendipitous, when I was asked to prepare a reflection for this feast day.  I had just been in conversation with several of my friends about the Immaculate Conception and what it actually meant. Many believe that it has to do with Mary conceiving Jesus, having never had relations with a man – a common misconception.

Our faith tells us that, as a result of the behavior of Adam and Eve we, in turn, were born with original sin.  The sin originated by Eve eating the forbidden fruit as evidenced in today’s first reading.  It is in baptism that we are wiped clean of that sin and become members of our church.

In the Catholic faith, we are taught that Mary, was conceived and born without ever having original sin. Seems a pretty natural conclusion if you consider that this 16 year old girl was about to carry and give birth to the Savior of our world.

I know this is a hard concept for us to wrap our heads around and, to an outsider looking in (as some of my friends of the Jewish tradition on the night of my conversation) it all seems just a bit too much. But, for those of us who hold our faith dear, we continue to believe.

I’ve been thinking about Mary, about what she must have been feeling after that Angel’s visit. About the depth of faith she had to have.  And how does that translate to my own life, here in December of 2022? 

I am by no means worthy in the way that Mary was worthy! And yet, this time of Advent gives me time to reflect on the birth of Jesus, in my own heart on Christmas day.  Every year I’m afforded the opportunity to make my heart and soul ready.

And, that readiness compels me to clean up my act, to practice kindness, to exercise understanding when I want nothing more than to just throw my hands up in frustration and walk away. My desire to be ready for Jesus to be born within me is something too strong to ignore. Mary gave birth to the One who would make blind people see and lame people walk. If I do the work, spend this time reflecting on who I am and who I can be for others, I too, can be someone who Jesus will choose to work through.  In my own way, through His grace working within me, I can sooth those who are blind to the good in the world.  I can raise the spirits of those who feel defeated and emotionally “lame”.  Advent is my time to take a beat and take a look inward. Sweep, dust and polish up my relationships and my behavior towards those in my life who I hold most dear (and the ones who make that a bit harder!). So that on that glorious day called Christmas, I can feel the birth of the One who loves me, in the depths of my heart and soul!

Sue Mulderrig

Technology Trainer, St. Francis College
