Palm Sunday


On Palm Sunday, Jesus humbly requests the use of a donkey, so that he can arrive as the King of Peace in Jerusalem with great joy and enthusiasm. Jesus instructs his decuples to go into the village where you will find a colt, untie it and bring it here. If any asks you, “Why are you untying it?’ just say, “The Lord needs it.” Today, we imitate the crowds as we wave the palm branches and sing “Hosanna to the Son of David.” Why do we do this? The answer goes back to how we pray. We pray with our bodies and senses (waving palm branches and singing). We use physical, tangible things such as palm branches to put us in mind of spiritual realities. The Gospel recounts what Jesus has done for us, its about our salvation and our life. We are not just passive spectators, or on lookers. We continue to do our best in difficult situations in our life. Let us follow in the footsteps of the Lord as enter into our own Jerusalem leading to the cross and Resurrection.

Bro. Gabriel O'Brien, OSF
Superior General
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn
