Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent


Today’s readings, Isaiah 49:8-15 and John 5:17-30, underscore and remind us of God’s relationship with us and also challenges us to consider the motivation for our actions.  Most importantly, we are again reminded that we are not alone and not forgotten.  So often in the past few years our anxiety has risen, perhaps some of us even questioned our faith.  We, like Zion, in Isaiah, may believe God has forsaken us. Yet Isaiah reminds us we are not forgotten and reminds us that we are loved.  Remember YOU are not alone, even on those days when you feel utterly lost, you are not alone.  Try and quiet those doubts.  Allow your light to shine by showing yourself and cease listening to the darkness.  Know that you are in the heart of God.


In the Gospel, we are also reminded that God is always with us.  In John 5:17-30, we meet Jesus in Jerusalem who is being questioned for his act of curing a man on the Sabbath.  He replies that what he is doing can only be done with the Father’s love.  We can reflect on the motivations that led Jesus to cure the man, “I cannot do anything on my own…because I do not seek my own will but the will of the one who sent me.”  We should also reflect on the Pharisees who are questioning Jesus: are their actions motivated out of righteousness or self-righteousness?  Throughout the Gospels, we are asked to let go of our trouble and to not be afraid.  For example, in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”


So what does one do?  We all need to take time to care for ourselves, attend to the beauty in life that is all around us, invest in our community, and do good.  God is there in all, take the time to notice and maybe you will feel the love.


Remember, the sun does not rise, nor does it set.  It is us who are moving in and out of the light and warmth.  Believe God’s love is there, know it is there, even when it is cold, even when it is dark. 

Susan Weisman
St. Francis College
