Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent
How many times have you heard “practice what you preach”? The phrase comes from today’s Gospel, Matthew 23:1-12, where Jesus is warning the crowds that the Pharisees were acting like hypocrites, making rules and laws but not following them. Lent seems to be the perfect time to be reminded of this phrase, as Jesus Himself is the model example of doing all that he taught others.
Nowadays, “practicing what you preach” can be thrown around in all sorts of contexts. For me, it’s a strong (and often needed) reminder to be intentional about my actions reflecting my words and values. As a parent, I value setting an example for my children through my actions. (Not to mention, the “do as I say, not as I do” method fails 100% of time. Just ask my five-year-old who, who will call me out every time I say one thing and do the opposite.)
One thing that I really appreciate about Jesus’ words in this reading is that He makes sure to say “practice.” For me, “practice” means that Jesus doesn’t expect us to be perfect, but we need to try our best to emulate His teachings and strive for continuous improvement. As I continue my Lenten journey, I will do my best to act with integrity, and follow Jesus’ example but not just “talking the talking,” but also “walking the walk.”
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