Thursday of the Third Week of Lent


Today’s First Reading is from the Book of Jeremiah chapter 7, verses 23-28. After reading this Scripture, I wanted to focus on discussing the voice of our loving God. What a powerful voice it is, it’s both authoritative and perfectly gentle. There may be seasons where we can’t always comprehend it, sometimes it’s silent or is spoken through a simple sign. Some of us may be longing for a miraculous experience in our relationship with the Lord. Perhaps we yearn to hear Him as clearly as Moses did at the burning bush. Before we request such an experience, today, let’s examine our prayer life. A preacher I once heard said to forsake “drive-by prayers”. At this moment, I acknowledged for the first time that prayer should not be a one-way quick request for blessings. I undoubtedly now believe that the most vital aspects of prayer are to pour our hearts out before the feet on Jesus and to listen. That is the key I was once missing; we must be steadfast in listening. With so many noises we can easily make some wrong choices by listening to other voices. The revelation I want you to know today is that God still speaks, He still declares, and He wants you to believe this so that you may further understand His ways. He is patient, He is kind, and He is merciful. Child of His, do not flee from prayer because it is powerful. The atmosphere changes, and evil trembles when you call to His name. One thing I pray so deeply you will always remember is that Jesus showed us His wounds on that cross so we wouldn’t be afraid to show Him ours. May God guide you all to eternal life, He cherishes you more than you can fathom, and you are forever worthy in His eyes.

Serene Arana, SFC '25
