Second Sunday of Lent


Today is the feast day of a young, 6th century woman named Christina. Other than her martyrdom little is known of her brief life. It is unlikely her name will ever be mentioned during “Women’s History Month”. Nevertheless we do know she stood up with Courage when she was flogged to death for her faith. 
Were her last thoughts like the words of today’s responsorial psalm?
“The Lord is my Light and my Salvation. Whom should I fear?”… “Wait for the Lord with Courage.”
Much more is known of a 13th century woman named Clare who also lived her life with Courage. She too believed the Lord was her Light and her Salvation. One woman was martyred, the other dedicated her life to self sacrifice…both profoundly courageous.
How will we find our “Courage”? What prayers and meditations can we reflect upon especially during this season of Lent? As there is no greater example of Courage than the Passion of Christ, let those images be our Guiding Light. 
I’d like to think both St. Christina and St. Clare thought of Our Lord’s Courage when they faced suffering in their lives. 
On her deathbed St. Clare said “I have done what was mine to do. May Christ teach you, what is yours to do”. 
As we continue on our own unique journeys through this season of Lent, let us all seek out “what is ours to do”. Guided by His Light and in His Light, may we also live our lives with Courage…
Angela DiBenedetto
SFC Class of ‘76

The Martyrdom of Saint Christina by Vicente Palmaroli, 1895
The Martyrdom of Saint Christina by Vicente Palmaroli, 1895
