Monday of the Third Week of Lent


In reflecting on the First Reading and Gospel from today, what stuck with me the most was the first line in the Gospel: "Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place."
When thinking of this, it’s easy to look within our own communities and realize how we may overlook those who are doing some amazing things, or simply making a positive impact simply by being who they are and by engaging in meaningful daily interactions. We see them in our everyday lives and, in doing so, we may take them, who they are, and what they do for themselves and others, for granted.
In the world today, I can see how we look outside of our direct communities for things to spark us. We look for people "of notoriety" to be the ones we follow - what they do and how they act can impact how we shape our lives and actions. What if we instead found that same sense of direction from those right here in our own communities, or better yet, from our own encounters and interactions with others?
If we begin to look right in our own circles we may find special things are happening right here, right now, from those we may have never expected it from.

We all know the phrase, "stop and smell the roses," but do we all take a moment to realize that indeed the roses are right there? Before we smell the roses, we need to open our eyes to see that they are right there, in front of us.

Maggie Martini-Minieri
Associate Athletic Director/SWA
St. Francis College
