Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent


Doubt. We all have had times where it causes struggles in our lives. We have also likely experienced times where others may have doubted us.

We often grapple with the circumstances in which we find ourselves or others. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused doubt in most if not all of us in one form or another over the past two years. My family and friends, much like the rest of the St. Francis College family and the broader community, have experienced both pain and loss since the emergence of COVID, much of it not even directly related to the Pandemic.

Doubts regarding health, finances and even in our Faith are not uncommon. We are not infallible, even in our Faith. We may even question God. Have you ever thought “how could God let such things happen?” That is okay. Doubting our Faith in times of stress does not make us lesser Christians. Good Christians do not lack doubt. It is simply the voicing (internally or externally) of our worries and concerns. From today’s Gospel passage:

‘John summoned two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord to ask,

“Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?”’

Doubt makes us human, but it does not have to define us. It is our Faith in God and community which help us overcome doubt during challenging times. When you are in doubt, do not fear. God will show you the Truth – sometimes in mysterious ways – and your doubts will be settled.

‘At that time Jesus cured many of their diseases, sufferings, and evil spirits.’

Jesus did not rebuke or show hatred towards others because of their doubt in Him. He continued to display love and compassion - examples we should all try to emulate each day.

R.J. Hinners, SFC '94
SFC Development and College Relations Committee
