Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent


A Prelude to the Symphony of Joy and Hope

During these waning days of the Advent Season as we prepare to celebrate the wonder of Christmas and the splendor of the Incarnation, our readings usher in a preseason of joy and an expectation of the hope that awaits. The prophet Malachi offers the sounds of hope that a messenger is on the way to prepare the Way.  With the sensations of being refined that is to be cleansed of all impurities that Way is made clearer than it was as Advent began. The rough edges are being made smooth as one’s heart is refined and the soul is purified. The notes of this prelude begin to take form as the tones are set for the message to be sung so to be clearly heard. The shape of hope vibrates as the responsorial psalm whispers then shouts, Life up your heads and see; your redemption is near at hand. Only one who is refined and purified is able to see. What do we see? What do you feel as the violins of joy in the prelude begin their movement? It is the path of the Lord that is faithful and constant as the strings breath a gentle vibration into the atmosphere, you can feel the music on your flesh for Emmanuel is near, the gift of Incarnation is almost here.

The tempo picks up the pace as the Gospel bursts into a medley of joy, the flutes of mercy and the cymbals of rejoicing make a pleasing noise for now we can hear with refined and purified hearing what our eyes now behold, a message is now voiced in the messenger proclaimed John. The first chords of the symphony are now to resonate with the O antiphon, O King of all nations is greeted to the full orchestra for in just days from now Behold I make all things new again! Can you hear now the message in the sounds so familiar but so refined and purified? What is it you hear but the full symphony in resplendent harmony; Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace to people of good will.

Brother Richard Contino, OSF
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn
