Third Sunday of Advent


Today, the third Sunday of Advent, the Church celebrates Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete comes from  the Latin word “gaudeo” which means to rejoice, or, simply “joy!” The candle we light on the advent wreath is a special pink color when compared with the other three somber purple candles. This is a sign that our period of waiting and preparation is coming to a close – our Lord is coming closer to us! All of our readings today speak of joy and hope. The same joy and hope brought to us by our Lord through His promise of salvation to everlasting life.

The first reading, from the prophet Zephaniah, encourages us to be joy-filled people!  To be glad, and exult with all our heart!  This is the heart of Jesus mission on earth.  And today’s Alleluia verse is familiar to most every Christian adult – as it encourages us to bring “glad tidings!”  Do you recognize it from the carol “We Wish You a Merry Christmas?!”  Gladness!  Especially in these days, we must not be sullen people; we are Christ-filled! 

Finally in the Gospel, the Baptist reminds us that he is not the Messiah. Rather, he states that he comes to lead the way for the one who is coming after – Jesus.  While John was certainly noteworthy, and caused others to take notice – he never sought to keep the spotlight on himself.  Rather, like a mirror, he endeavored to reflect the light, and the focus onto Jesus, the Christ.  Using John as a model, we can point to Christ and direct others to Christ without calling attention to ourselves or elevate our own importance.

There are many exemplars of this kind of behavior in our lives. Who are they?  These are the people who show selfless love in the midst of the “often-overwhelming” evils of this world. These people joyfully LIGHT UP OUR WORLD, just as the Christmas lights and flowers brighten everything around us!

So, this week, perhaps consider: “What is it that brings joy and hope into our individual or collective lives?” Is it a generous raise from our employer? Is it good news concerning the health of a family member or friend? Maybe it’s the celebration of a special event in our family. Maybe it is the surprise visit of a friend.

We can all appreciate some of the joy that we experience with any of these or other important events in our lives. Most of us have been on the receiving end of a joyful experience. Even amidst the difficulty of the past two years, these are times of hope and joy! These are times when we can offer glad tidings to others through our attitude and our generosity. By doing so, we bear true witness to Jesus in our lives!

Fr. Mark Paul Amatrucola, c. o.
St. Francis College
