Saturday of the First Week of Advent


What bounced off the page when I first read the scripture readings for today – 

STOP! LOOK!  LISTEN!  ---   God’s promptings will be manifested     God will guide me – God will make known what I need to hear and provide everything for my journey

– promptings like ‘this is the way” – “you are on the right road” – “I’ll give you everything for your journey” –  “LOOK  for me “        I come to establish/rebuild all/our relationships    !”

YES I  too need to STOP -- To LOOK –  and TO LISTEN !!! as I prepare for Christmas – the birth of Christ and I need to respond with an enthusiastic YES to God’s urgings. 

I am encouraged for my journey this year remembering the admonitions of Franciscan friar Mychal Judge (FDNY Chaplain who died on 9/11)  - Take me Lord where you want me to go – Let me meet who you want me to meet – Tell me what You want me to say -and Keep me out of your way!

Brother Kevin Smith, OSF
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn
