Tuesday of the First Week of Advent


Humble God, in your humility, you reach out to the human race in order to draw us into a communion that could not have been possible through any other means. May Jesus be a friend who can identify with all that we go through in life, who brings us into a relationship with his Father, and who, by his humility and self-sacrificing love, shows us what it means to live human life to its fullest.

Perhaps take a moment today to reflect on the significance of what it means that God took on human flesh to share himself with us. As we move through our day, with all of its ups and downs, let us remember that Christ can truly identify with all that we experience because of the humility of the Incarnation.

- John V. Kruse, Ph.D., Advent and Christmas Wisdom from St. Francis of Assisi (Liguori, MO: Liguori, 2008), 8.
