First Day of Ramadan

While humanity faces one of its biggest challenges faced in recent history, and we collectively seek out the end of the global pandemic it is important to take a step back in order to reconnect within. Ramadan, which is one of the five pillars of Islam signifying the core beliefs of the faith provides the opportunity for us as individuals and a community to reconnect with ourselves and each other on a spiritual level.

We live in time where it is a standard convention to be in a room with your classmates without making eye contact, instead being absorbed by the screens on our phone. In society, it is frowned upon if we smile and say hello to a pedestrian walking by, but completely acceptable to ignore someone speaking to you, because the message appearing on our screens is perceived to be more important. For anyone participating in the rituals, it is a time to take a step back from the material realm and re-engage with the virtuous morals of the faith.

Ramadan teaches us lessons about humility and patience, fasting from sunrise to sunset. In this timeframe we may have temptations but practicing patience and resisting the urge for temptations allows us to appreciate the finer situations in life. There are plenty of people around the world starving and placing ourselves in a situation where we are fasting tests our mental strength and also increases our awareness of the situation of our less fortunate peers in society. By increasing the collective awareness, I hope that as a society we can appreciate what we have and be grateful for what we so most commonly take for granted.

Ramadan is also a time to let go of the sense of self, forgive yourself, and those around you. It is a time to seek forgiveness and come together as a community and talk past our differences. One does not have to be a practicing Muslim to understand and appreciate the values of Ramadan. Rather, the moral compass is accessible and relatable to humankind all around. Never has it been so relevant to dedicate some time for self-introspection alongside your loved ones in the midst of a global pandemic.

May this Ramadan provide the opportunity for families and friends to come together and appreciate the finer things in life that have been gifted to us in the midst of the global pandemic. May we see light in the dark of the pandemic and stick together to seek the light at the end of the tunnel.

Ridwan Hannan, SFC '21
