Thursday of Third Week of Lent


March 11, 2020. Exactly a year ago was the last day that Broadway was open. I happened to be at the last matinee (and saw “Aint Too Proud” which was the story of the Temptations. A beautiful musical it was, but there were rumblings of a coming “plague”, our pandemic, and people started questioning themselves if they were really doing the right thing by being out with many people.

Today’s readings are full of people that question things and harden their hearts toward God and Jesus. I would like to interpret todays readings as having faith that we will make it through this pandemic. It is important to trust health officials that tell us that we need to wear masks, social distance and get the vaccine to stop the spread. I really feel that Jesus would be right out there with Dr. Fauci preaching the same things in order to protect his people. Jesus drove out demons and people doubted him. He stood up to people and said he was doing this in the name of God. He asks the question, “If I then, drive out demons by Beelzebul (Satan), by whom do your own people drive them out?” Even if these “demons” do not ring true to our modern ears, Jesus was helping people, either to feel better about themselves and perhaps metaphorically exorcising demons of addiction or other “sins”. He points out to critics that at least he is doing something for mankind, while they are doing nothing. Jesus implores us to pay attention and help others with the last two lines of the Gospel: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.

Kathleen A. Nolan
Professor of Biology
St. Francis College
