Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent


How seriously have I taken Lent this year?

Today we are just a little more than half way through lent. As such, it is appropriate to take a moment and reflect on our Lenten journey. Lent is a time of turning from the many ways that distance us from God and the other. For weeks now, we have been hearing readings under the themes of conversion, repentance, turning and re-turning to God. Recall the first reading on Ash Wednesday from the Book of Joel (2: 12-8): “Now therefore saith the lord: Be converted to me with all your heart…” We are called to turn from all that leads to broken relations and the false Gods we conjure up that cause hurt to others and ultimately ourselves.

Critical self-reflection provides the necessary mental mindset which allows for conversion of one’s way of being in the world. Ways that lead to failure in relationships, failure to respect, to forgive, to be compassionate, tolerant, more understanding, more sensitive to the environment, and loving. Today’s first reading, Exodus 32:7-14 informs us that Moses implored God to relent from inflicting punishment upon his people. In the end, God relents and does not inflict the punishment which was initially threatened. Reflection resulted in a change of the overall plan. A change that was based on mercy, compassion, and love that led to forgiveness. In an attempt to be more self-reflective and turn from my rustic ways, I ask myself the following at this point in my Lenten journey:

‣ In an effort to come closer to God and others, what is the change I have initiated in my habits, routines, or plans?

‣  Has God’s presence become more apparent in my day?

‣  Am I less absorbed with myself and take more time to listen?

‣  How have I become more understanding, tolerant, compassionate, and forgiving?

‣  Am I more generous with my time, talents, and treasure towards those less fortunate and in need?

How seriously have I taken Lent this year?

Fred Abi-Hassoun, PhD
SFC 1984
