Tuesday of the First Week of Lent


Psalm 34

December 14, 1988 was the saddest day of my life because that is day that my father, the finest person that I will ever know, passed away.

I did not understand then and I do not understand now why anything happens the way that it does, why people we love so much are taken from us all too soon, why injustice prevails and prejudice and resentment continue.

I remember one of my father’s favorite quotes: “Never for the sake of peace and quiet deny who you are and what you believe.” I learned just how difficult living that life lesson can be professionally when I tried to do what integrity demands and strength of character requires. There were times when I came to a crossroads and the two alternatives were capitulation and comfort or saying “no” and moving on. Each time I was confronted I would ask: “What would he want me to do?” Each time the answer was the same.

My faith tells me that there is a Master Plan that we are not equipped to understand or comprehend in any way. My sorrow at losing my father and the emptiness I still feel after all these years are tempered by my belief that this day he is in Paradise and he gets to touch the face of God.

My family and I paid attention. We watched him and we know what a quality life should be. We try to live our lives as my father would want us to. If we are successful our reward will be that one day we will join him and we will be with him everlastingly.

Dr. Peter Leibman
Associate Professor of Education
St. Francis College
