Thursday of the First Week of Lent


In today’s Psalm, the Lord assures us that when we call out his name for help, that he will answer us. As I reflect on this Psalm and on the season of Lent, it’s important to remember that in times of need, no matter where we are in the world, what we may be going through, the Lord will always be by our side, guiding us through his light and love.

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed almost everything in our lives. This past year we’ve lived through difficult hardships, we’ve made some of the hardest decisions of our lives, and at some point, we’ve even found ourselves at our lowest. But through it all, we’ve had the Lord by our side.

Through the strength of the Lord, through prayer, we’ve found comfort and warmth. With the difficulties and hardships this past year has presented, I have found peace and strength through the Lord’s kindness and truth. “Though we may feel lost and without compass, God's love encompasses us completely.”

The Lord hears us when we’re hurting, when we’re in need of his love and comfort and through the action of prayer we can talk to him and ask him for that guidance. The Lord is all around us, every single day of our lives.

We must remind ourselves of the great blessings we receive and be grateful for those blessings each and every day. In this season of Lent we must thank the Lord for his love, for his kindness and guidance. We must praise him for all the everlasting strength and love he continuously shows us every day in our lives.

Giuseppina Frigolino '21


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