Saturday of the First Week of Lent


I have always believed that the true beauty of Franciscan Life is the diversity of people who choose to follow the way of Francis. The universality of Franciscan values appeals to a great variety with no limit to a person’s race, gender, theology, social status, appearance or any other class limitation. However in the world of “social” (and I use that term loosely!) media the ability to be open and accepting of others has new limits and risks. Too often superficial judgments are used as assault weapons and painting entire groups of people with the same brush scar individuality and instill unnecessary fear. The challenge is to be true to God and believe we are each a special creation with a purpose in the world.

The word that leaps from the first reading is “peculiarly”…because as much as we try to hide it we are indeed peculiar people! That same diversity of the Franciscan way makes room for all of our peculiar ways. If God accepts and loves us as we are that poses a most difficult challenge “to be perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect”. It is not always easy to lead a virtuous life as human weakness often causes us to fall. I wish I had the power to “take back” moments when I chose not to follow all that God asks of me. However I believe it is not the falling that is key but the getting back up and following the right path. Seeking God with my whole heart forces me to walk one step at a time rarely with a map or GPS. As Robert Frost wrote: “I chose the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

Every time scripture refers to the money changers and tax collectors I get a chill down my spine having been involved in finance for many years. The secular nature of “business” poses many difficult contradictions. While our treasure may be in heaven we still have to survive on earth. If we truly love our neighbor it is vital to care for and see to the needs of those to whom we minister and share our bounty when possible. Buildings crumble, plumbing leaks and cars break down so all we can do is manage what arises as it arises.

So today and every day “I will give you thanks with an upright heart” for “Behold now is a very acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”

Happy Lent! Peace!

Brother Philip Herte, O.S.F.
Treasurer General
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn
