Second Saturday After Christmas


It has been a challenging time for humankind as we face a global pandemic that has taken over the world. It is important that we do not lose sight of faith in these hard times. When we have Jesus Christ and the Father with us, we will not lose hope. “This promise he made us: eternal life”, as long as we remain in the Father and the Son. When times have been tough, God shows his salvation, and it is that hope that will keep us resilient. We have been taught that God and Jesus are for us as we are for them and we shall not let others deceive us. Nor should we let them take away what we have heard since the beginning.

Even when we do not realize that he is there for us, he makes himself known through others. There will always be someone there for us when times get hard whether it is our family, friends, or neighbors. We must not take for granted the help we receive from others. God may not speak to us directly, but he can speak to us indirectly through his Son and through those around us. Do not let others deceive you of your belief or try to devalue what you have been taught. Maintain your faith in his power so that when he comes, we are confident. In these hard times, it is the Father and the Son who will guide us to salvation as long as we maintain our faith.

Karime Rincon, SFC '22
