The Fifth Day of the Octave of Christmas


In the First Reading, we are challenged to see if we know and understand Jesus. We can say that we know him, but if we don’t know the commandments that he left for us, do we really know him? We are to incorporate the commandments in all things that we do. We all in some ways have a light in our life and in many cases, it is Christ. One of the many ways to get closer to him is by living by the commandments. This doesn’t mean that he won’t always be with you, but it is easier to understand him when you do. None of this is new though because these commandments are the original ten that were given. As you work to better yourself you tend to become a light in someone else’s life as well. The more we work to be better the better we can help others on their journey as well. We also see that in this reading darkness is compared to many things but the one I want to talk about is blindness. We can only truly see if we remove the darkness from our eyes. Working on yourself is removing that darkness, and when you can help someone else you’re helping them and yourself to become more of a better person.

Reginald Monteau, SFC '23


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