Feast of the Immaculate Conception


For Nothing is Impossible with God!

I can remember growing up in Brooklyn, when December 8th came, I had my job to do. It was to decorate the house outside for Christmas!

A day off from school, gave me joy to prepare for Christmas! As I got older I began to understand the deeper meaning of December 8th as the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception; Mary the Patroness of the United States of America and Patroness of the Diocese of Brooklyn.

What Does Immaculate Conception mean? Mary from the first moment of her Conception in her mother St. Anne, was preserved free from all sin! What an amazing thought!!

Free of all sin, Mary Immaculate! Why? Mary was chosen to be the Mother of God that is why! The Church has chosen for the Mass of the Feast of Immaculate Conception the Gospel of the Annunciation. The Angel Gabriel informs Mary that she is to be the Mother of God, a mystery.

One thing is so critical to this great mystery. "Nothing is impossible for God." All we need to do is reflect on that passage, "Nothing is impossible for God!" Turn to our loving God, place all those seemingly impossible things on our God, for all will be well with God’s help. God is with us in good and in difficulty. God is with us when we feel confused or frustrated. God Cares, God loves and God makes impossible things possible. Have faith!

Merry Christmas!

Msgr. David Cassato
Vicar for Catholic Schools, Diocese of Brooklyn
Pastor, St. Athanasius Church, Bensonhurst


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